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For this two point perspective drawing, I had two vanishing points, which lead off of the paper onto a connected tab, for the lines to lead to. The vanishing points were set up on the horizon line, which is why they lead off the paper because the horizon line was too long wirth the vanishing points to fit. Using value, I made one side lighter to show where the light was hitting, also I used value to differentiate window sills from the walls, etc. I used human anatomy in the drawing because we were required to draw a person, or atleast a part of a person. I chose this picture because it demonstrated the effects of 2 point perspective really well by showing the way the building goes to on different parts of the paper. I am pleased with this drawing because it looks realistic and demonstrated my skills well.
The assignment for the one point perspective drawing was to find a photo in your camera roll that has a vanishing point and draw based off of that. In my one point perspective drawing, the first thing I drew was the horizon line because that gave me a reference for where I should put my vanishing point, which I drew next, since the whole drawing revolves around the vanishing point. Linear perspective helped me decide where to put my lines when I was starting the outline of what I was drawing. The train tracks I drew started out light and big and as they went farther back they turned smaller and darker until reaching the vanishing point where the tracks stopped. The mountains in the background were a variety of shapes ranging from a seven value to a ten value in order to show which mountains were closer and which were farther. The value range from the tracks and the ground show contrast because in the photograph the tracks are much darker than the ground is. Overall I am pleased with th
For this drawing I brought in 3 objects from home: a cup, an expo marker, and a book. There was an overhead light shining on the objects, so there was a highlight on the objects because they all have shiny surfaces. In the direct light the book becomes a lot lighter and it darkens out to it natural color as it gets to the middle tone. In the opposite corner from the direct light on the book, it is very dark because it in the indirect light. There is a cast shadow for all the objects, but the shadow for the marker goes an opposite way because of how I was viewing the object. Over all the light in this drawing is displayed pretty well making it look realistic.
For this drawing the objective was to focus on line quality using the four basic types of lines. There was a display set up with all sorts of objects which would have been difficult to draw in the limited amount of time, so everyone in the class chose certain parts to draw; I chose to draw the Polaroid camera with wires and string around it. I started the drawing off with the outline of the camera, then drew the objects around it before focusing completely on the detail in the camera. I drew really dark lines for the strings that were up close. I drew thin lines for the sharper and thinner wire that were up close, and for the thin wire in the back. I used thick lines for the parts on the camera that were larger and darker. Lastly, I drew light lines on the camera for the parts that had lighter shapes. I had to change my lines after the drawing was done in order to get more contrast; therefore the finished product was much better.
This is my 3 cups drawing. This was the first project assigned to the class; therefore, it started off pretty simple with basic concepts. I found 3 “cups” from around the classroom and organized them so they would look nice when I drew them. The first concept was orientation, I chose vertical because it fit better with the height and width of my objects. The second concept was spacing, I tried to keep my 3 cups centered so that the space between them and the border was pretty even on both sides to avoid any tangents. I kept the horizontal line back far enough to make sure the objects didn't look as if they were floating. Next was the proportion, I made sure the objects on the paper were proportional to the real life objects, meaning the objects appeared correct in size when compared to each other. I believe this drawing taught me the basic concepts well enough for me to continue to use them well, throughout the rest of my drawings.
For the self portrait we learned about face proportions which helped me so instead of putting the facial features in random places, i know exactly where to put them due to measurements. When drawing a self portrait it's important to work on the background before the foreground because once the foreground is perfected you don't want to continue working on the drawing in fear of messing up the perfect foreground. For the facial features the eyes are in the middle of the head horizontally and vertically they are in sections 2 and 4 out of the five even sections splitting the head vertically. The nose is an eye and a half long and the width at the end of the nose meets the insides of the eyes. The lips are half of an eye down from the nose, and the corners of the lips end equivalent to the middle of the eyes. For my hair, which is curly, i drew spirals of all different values instead of drawing each separate strands i drew chunks that tend to clump together with a variety of rang making th
For my final drawing, I drew with a black and white charcoal pencil on a gray paper for the base. We chose a picture out of our camera roll and put it in the black and white scale, the value was supposed to have a good range, while also having a lot of gray to focus on. I chose this picture because of the value range and because it is a picture I took that I didn't ever know what to do with even though I really liked it. When blending the black and white charcoal, it is important not the blend it all together because it will turn everything gray ruining the artwork. I really like the face of the bulldog because the black changes to white with a little gray in between very smoothly and the details are very defined. I am satisfied with this drawing because it is the first charcoal drawing i have done, and it is very simple to tell what the drawing is while representing my school spirit.
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