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The assignment for the one point perspective drawing was to find a photo in your camera roll that has a vanishing point and draw based off of that. In my one point perspective drawing, the first thing I drew was the horizon line because that gave me a reference for where I should put my vanishing point, which I drew next, since the whole drawing revolves around the vanishing point. Linear perspective helped me decide where to put my lines when I was starting the outline of what I was drawing. The train tracks I drew started out light and big and as they went farther back they turned smaller and darker until reaching the vanishing point where the tracks stopped. The mountains in the background were a variety of shapes ranging from a seven value to a ten value in order to show which mountains were closer and which were farther. The value range from the tracks and the ground show contrast because in the photograph the tracks are much darker than the ground is. Overall I am pleased with this drawing because of the great value range and how everything lines up with the vanishing point.
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